Hypnosis has generally been thought of as a "fringe therapy", something that only people who are a little bit weird would turn to. Their friends smile and nod politely when told that he or she is making a visit to a hypnotherapist or listening to a hypnosis mp3, but decline to pass real comment.
But things really are changing in how people perceive hypnosis, as is inevitable once serious research is conducted by recognized professionals and significant results are documented. Thanks to Google, you and I, the general public, can access much of this research into hypnosis and decide for ourselves if there is sufficient proof of it's worth.
The body of scientific research into hypnosis really is becoming quite impressive. It has been proven to reduce perception of pain, to be an effective treatment in overcoming fears, phobias, and post-traumatic stress disorder, to decrease recovery time from surgery, amongst many other valuable benefits.
I am not going to make an exhaustive list for the purpose of this article. I'm merely providing a brief glimpse into the many potential uses of hypnosis as a taste of what you can discover for yourself with a little bit of online research.
You might like to check out the American Psychological Association website or recognized and respected journals sub as PubMed online to read for yourself how hypnosis can be used to help in many areas. An informed patient is always a better patient. It's therefore better to do your homework in the form of research as opposed to just "giving hypnosis a go".
Once you have read significant scientific research that proves the efficacy of hypnosis, documented in a Journal that you trust and respect, your expectation of a good outcome will increase significantly. The placebo effect is something apart from hypnosis but it does still come into play, just as it does with mainstream medicine.
There are inevitably many different ways in which one can work with hypnosis. It's important to find a well-qualified hypnotherapist with a lot of experience. But that of course is just plain old common sense. You don't need me to tell you that.
Hypnosis can be used to recollect traumatic events and produce a catharsis, to stabilize and reduce symptoms, to project emotions, utilize imagination, to reconstruct memories, to age regress, to rehabilitate. There are many therapeutic ways in which hypnosis can be used to assist in a wide variety of areas.
When I use the term "wide variety" what I really mean is that hypnosis can be used in any area that has a psychological component. That's pretty much everything.
Roseanna Leaton, specialist in hypnosis mp3 downloads for health and success.
P.S. Discover how you can improve your life with hypnosis. Grab a free hypnosis download from my website now.
Grab a free hypnosis mp3 from http://www.RoseannaLeaton.com and view her library of hypnosis mp3 downloads and do your ownresearch into hypnosis.
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